Does this sound like your business?
- I don’t know what my sales people are doing…
- We don’t have a consistent follow-up system…
- Leads generated on our website are not tracked and measured…
- We need to be better at e-marketing to our customers and prospects…
Act! makes it easy for you to engage in more meaningful conversations with your customers by giving you an organized view of the people you do business with.
You can focus on building longer-lasting, more profitable relationships with Act! It helps keep new customer referrals coming in and existing customers coming back, creating a continuing cycle of positive results.
Because Act! is proven easier to learn and use—and integrates with Microsoft Office—you can be more productive right away. You’ll quickly notice Act! is more powerful and effective than using Outlook and Excel, but easier to use, quicker to get up and running, and less costly than Salesforce or Microsoft CRM.
Why choose Act!? Let us help you decide. Contact us today!
Video Tour of Act! Features
Act! Our Story video
Get to Know Act! emarketing video