The Contact List is a great tool for managing multiple contacts. Whether you are updating e-mail addresses, phone numbers, or other data, the contact list enables you to locate, tag, and update multiple records.

If you have a lot of contacts in your list, then it may be a bit cumbersome to scroll through the list and find contacts. Enabling the “Look for” box can help you pinpoint contacts in the list.

Looking for Contacts in the Contact List

In newer versions of Act!, the “Look for” option is hidden by default. Before you can take advantage of it, you will need to enable it by performing the following steps:

1. Open the Contact List

2. In the upper right corner, click Options > Show Look For

3. After it is enabled, a new “Look for” box appears below the Contact List toolbar:

4. To quickly locate data in a specific field in this list, first click the column heading to search in. For example, to search for a contact by city, click the City column heading.

5. In the Look for field, start typing the information to find, such as the City name.

6. As soon as you begin typing, the closest match appears in the field. Continue typing as necessary to get the correct match.